Exclusion List – if there are certain registry keys, files, or cookies that you don’t want to include in the PC Cleaner scans you can use this feature to create exclusion lists.
Excluding Registry Keys – We recommend extreme caution when excluding registry paths. If invalid registry keys are created under the path that you excluded then PC Cleaner will not be able to track those registries and therefore will not be able to fully clean and optimize your registry.
Excluding Files – There may be certain files that you don’t want to be included in future scans, for example, maybe you don’t want to remove all traces of your Skype conversations. Use the Exclusion List to select any files you don’t wish to include in future scans. If you have already chosen to exclude files during your clean-up scan those files will be displayed under files on the Exclusion menu.
Excluding Cookies – There may be cookies that contain login credentials that you use automatically when visiting trusted sites such as banks or credit card companies. These cookies can be hard to identify but if you know the cookies you can enter them and exclude them from future scans. Our Smart Cookie Scan is enabled by default and tries to help identify important cookies so that they can be automatically excluded but Smart Cookie Scan can’t identify banking or credit card cookies.
Smart Cookie Scan – Automatically identifies and excludes cookies from popular sites that may contain passwords or login information. These sites include Google, Gmail, Yahoo, Live, AOL, Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail, Netscape, and several others. Smart Cookie Scan is enabled by default to save you from accidentally removing what could be valuable cookies. If you do not wish to keep these cookies then you can delete them from the cookie exclusion list and they will be removed in your next clean-up scan.
Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to add items to the exclusion list.
Log/Undo – every time you use PC Cleaner to remove registry items or junk files a log file is created. PC Cleaner saves these log files so that you can always go back and restore the deleted items if you experience any problems. In this screen, you can select where you want these log files to be saved and you can also select to Undo any changes previously made by the program.
Items Pending Removal – list of registry keys and files found during a scan that will be removed when they are no longer in use by other applications.
Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to undo the changes made by PC Cleaner.
If you have not purchased PC Cleaner yet, you can do so here.